Ini cerita kami... cerita2 lucu kami... Arasy dan Zeva...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Flying Cow

The Flying Cow

One day there’s a cow from a farm.
The cow want to see a new world.

One day the cow is already in the city.
The farmer is looking for the cow,the cow is so exciting.

But when thecow sllep behind a house,there ive a group of a hungry wolf.when the cow open her eyes she is very afraid, then, there a fairy,thenthe fairy make the cow can fly.and the wolf is scared of the cow,because the wolf never see a Flying Cow.

Review time!
Answer the question
Characters : 1

Where the cow wish to go? _____________

The cow is afraid of ___________

The wolf never see a _____________

Who help the cow to make the wolf scared ? ___________

The farmer is looking for the _____________

Title of the story is :
a) Hansel and Gretel
b) Rapunzel
c) The Flying cow

Catatan papa :
Cerita diatas, di copy-paste-kan dari file cerita Arasy yg dia ketik sendiri dari buku ceritanya.
